Do While Not rs.EOF
If (Trim(rs.Fields("Result") <> "OK") And REGION = "JET") Then strError = Trim(rs.Fields("SN")) & "," & Trim(rs.Fields("Description")) & "\n"end if
rs.MoveNextLoop If strError <> "" And REGION = "JET" Then 'frmScancer.LabMsg.Caption = "This Pallet is wrong! The message is " & strError 'Trim(rs.Fields("PartNumber")) intRetval = sndPlaySound(WavePath + "SernumError.wav", SND_ASYNC) MsgBox "Warning: This Pallet is wrong! The message is " & strError, vbDefaultButton1, "Warning!" rs.Close Set rs = Nothing Exit Function End If
MsgBox "Warning: There are no files to move!", vbDefaultButton1, "Warning!"